

因為呢,你們知道的嘛,有些人可能會想「我只是想看Ars Arcanum,其他的彩蛋我沒興趣看」所以就不買新書了(怎麼可以呢),因此當初翻譯出來也只跟少數內行討論過而已





  In discussing AonDor, the natural question to ask is one of origination.



  The Aons themselves (see below) are the foundation of both language and magic in Arelon and its surrounding regions. Curiously, they are quite distinct from the language of Aonic, such that the (otherwise phonetic) writing system highlights them, being written smaller and more cramped than the majestic logographic characters. If I can wax prosaic, it is almost as if the common letters are subjects submitting before their gods.



  Curiously, the Aons produce sounds otherwise unused in the general languages of the area. If one were to strip the Aons from the language---which is possible, as all concepts and ideas conveyed by the Aons can also be written in the more rational common scripts---one is left with a language family that is far more similar to Duladen than one might otherwise think.



  When one adds to this the fact that the Aons incorporate things like landscape of Arelon into their depictions, an important question begins to emerge. Could the Aons predate the arrival of the Aonic people to the area? Those immigrants must have been taught about the Aons, learned their meanings, and incorporated them into an already extant language. But who, then, created them? And did they create them to describe the landscape, or did the landscape somehow dictate the shape and sounds of the Aons?



  I have no answer, but perhaps you can see what it is about this form of Investiture that so drives my curiosity.



  Beneath, find a list of concepts unique to AonDor. I intend someday to understand how these are all related, and why they are so distinctive to this realm and its magics.




  For an Aon to work, it must be drawn with absolute precision. Indeed, my research shows that other potential uses of the Dor also require exactness, far more so than any other type of magic I've as yet encountered. Again, this seems to point at a distinctiveness, as most other forms of Investiture are only concerned with perception. Elsewhere, if you think you are doing something correctly, it often works. But here, even a tiny mistake in drawing invalidates the Aon.




  As in other forms of Investiture, intent is very important. An Elantrian can't accidentally draw an Aon. Because of their complexity, this would be highly unlikely, but I have tested it to my satisfaction. One must wish to draw an Aon, and have an inkling of the required shape, before anything will happen.



  我越來越堅信在賽耳(Sel)上的所有個體都和鐸與授予有某種靈魂性的聯繫,遠比你在大部分有完整雅多納西碎力(full Shard of Adonalsium)盤駐的地方所能觀察到的還要強烈。在賽耳上非常特別的,一個人和出生地的靈魂連繫決定了他們授予聯繫(Invested connection)的特質和樣式。

  I am increasingly certain that every being on Sel has some Spiritual connection to the Dor and Investiture, much as you find on most other major planets settled by a full Shard of Adonalsium. Uniquely on Sel, however, one's Spiritual connection to birthplace determines the flavor and style of their Invested connection.


  I have no viable theories as to the reason for this.


源點 INITIATION(現已翻譯為"動力")


  Though the general public sees the hand of divinity in who is chosen to become an Elantrian, I find this unlikely, considering that their gods are dead---and, by my best guess, have been for a very long time. I wonder if thy know they are channeling the corpses of those gods in the outpouring of their magics?


  How, then, is a practitioner of AonDor Initiated? It does not appear to be tied to family descent, as one finds on Scadrial, nor is it a specific Shard's Decision, as on Nalthis. Even Taldain's and Vax's methods do not seem to apply here. I can only surmise random chance is involved, unless there is a hidden pattern I have not been able to discern.









山姆也是個十一月的孩子喔OuO 如果有空閒的時間,希望這個月還有機會帶給你一點新的東西


今年深秋,就讓我們進入寰宇圈的新時代吧:D 還請三不五時回來關祝本站噢~

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