


羅沙篇 Roshar



A tidbit about the why of safehands.


Part One of Oathbringer won't spoil anything from Edgedancer.

《王者之路》的尾頁、地圖、楔子和序曲的註解。(太多了 自己看ㄅXD)

Annotations for the endpapers, map, Prelude and Prologue of the Way of Kings


其他有的沒的 Meta


Insight into how Brandon comes up with fantasy words.




抱歉啦 u/Mistborn 我還是很愛你




It's done intentionally. Let's look at our options.

我也可以創造出完全創新的奇幻詞彙(像《颶光》典籍裡面的"壘地 Lait"和"克姆泥 crem")。問題是,這種東西你做得越多,你就會給讀者堆疊越多語言上的障礙。當他們要學越多這種字,就會更難進入故事。如果你想這麼做,就可能會傾向這樣的結果。我覺得這種詞彙超載是很危險的。不過,新讀者之所以會放棄我的書,主因還是他們覺得我的世界觀太廣闊了。

I can create all-out fantasy words for terms like this. (Lait or crem from Stormlight are examples.) Problem is, the more you do this, the more you pile a difficult linguistics on top of a reader. The more words like this they have to learn, the more difficult it is to get into a story. If you were doing it, perhaps you'd go this direction. I feel that overloading on these terms is dangerous. Already, the main reason new readers put down my books is that they feel overwhelmed by the worldbuilding.


So we have the second option. Use a latin, germatic, or greek root and create a word that FEELS right, has some mental connection for the reader, but which isn't a real word. Allomancy/Feruchemy/Hemalurgy. Veristitalian. To a lesser extent, Elantris.


This so called "Harry Potter Spells" method gives some familiarity to the naming, makes them stick a little better in people's heads, which makes the books a little easier to get into. But they're also distracting to some readers who say, "Wait. There's no Latin in this world, so where did Latin root words come from?" And for others (particularly in translation) those roots mean nothing, and so these all end up lumped into the first group.


The final method is the pure Germanic method--creating compound words. It works in English very well because of our Germanic roots--and is one of the main ways (other than turning nouns into verbs or the other direction) that we create new words. Supermarket. Masterpiece. Newspaper. Thunderstorm. Footprint. Firework. Heartbeat. Yourself. None of those look odd to you because they are words that are "meant" to go together in your head.


I use some of batch one, some of batch two, but I do favor batch three--it does what I want it to. Works in the language, has an "otherworld" feel but is also very quickly understood by someone new to the series. There are arguments for all three methods, however.

重組英文字也是一招---我發現這在上面提到的方法中特別有用。找個動詞轉品成名詞,反之亦然。或者找個動詞,但用法不是你平常會用的(識喚術師Awakeners 或 捆術 Lashings 就是我書中的一些例子,不過《沙丘魔堡》中的"香料"才是這個用法的老祖宗。這促成了很多奇幻術語的創作。)

Re-contextualizing English words can work too--I find it particularly useful to do what I mentioned above. Take a verb and make it a noun or vice versa. Or use a verb in a way that you normally don't. (Awakeners or Lashings are examples from my work, though Spice from Dune is one of the grand-daddy examples of this. As it is for a lot of fantastical linguistics.)



Why the Stormlight Archive title font was changed. WoB, WoP









山神:抱歉啦~這個字體在《王道》還不錯但用在《引誓》就是怪怪的。我知道一定有些人比較喜翻舊的,可是我們要除舊布新一下 (真的抱歉啦)


彼得:龍鋼企業(山神團隊)和托爾出版社討論很久了,我們覺得舊字體真的是不行,你拿遠點看就會把Words of Radiance看成Wobos of Bhoihnce (尛XDDDD)

Wobos of Bhoihnce.jpg 
Wobos of Bhoihnce XDDDDD





WoP: Tor might release an audio preview the day before Oathbringer is released.


WoP: The Edgedancer standalone will include Lift's Interlude from WoR as a Prologue.


WoP: A lot of the errors in the Oathbringer previews don't exist in the actual book.


WoP: The average chapter length for Oathbringer is shorter than WoK or WoR.


WoP: Oathbringer will be 1248 pages in hardcover.




這個網站叫做Arcanum,是除了17th Shard 和 Coppermind wiki 之後,第三個(應該吧)專屬於山神作品的網站;裡面蒐羅了各種近幾年的訪談紀錄(還包括音檔),超完整的XD

所以下一篇的十月教條大概就是這個模式的最後一篇了,內容很多...(翻開 馬上蓋回去)...敬請期待XD


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