你們知道的,這是預設發布的文章。這時應該是年底了吧~ 希望2016的年末一切平安無事~
導讀 Intro
蓋亞系統 Gaia System
As an unexpected expansion of my research, Gaia, more commonly called Earth, amazed me after all these years of my arcanist life again, with all her features from its civilizations to the Realmic construction.
For she not being in the cosmere but another universe, the connection between the three realms of Gaia is widely varied from the type we are accustomed to. Investiture does not exist here, either. I can therefore make use of some End-neutral magic here, with my limited resources at hand. Nonetheless, people here still, have developed highly technologically advanced societies, surpassing the progress we've made in Silverlight, Scadrial, or Taldain.
Heavily relying on the manipulations of natural laws, the scientific knowledge Earthian have gained overwhelm us and stretched into a realm where energy and mass could be considered one. This theory, named "quantum mechanics", could probably be the final solution to our studies on the complicated transformation and presentation of Investiture.
Speaking of the system it is located, the Gaia System - named Solar System in the language English, is quite a stereotype for system studies. It has several typical features. Eight planets - four small, rocky ones and four gas giants, orbit the sun, three of which is in the habitable zone. However currently only Gaia is available for living.
The celestial bodies, if named, are mainly named after gods of an ancient religion. The first one, the proximity to the sun is Mercury, which is lack of atmosphere and extreme. Venus and Mars are in the habitable zone as well as Gaia is, but the former suffers from tense concentration of carbon dioxide and becomes deadly warm, while the latter contrarily has freezing climate and thin atmosphere. There seemed to be life on Mars billion years ago, though now it is nowhere to be found.
During my adventure in Gaia, I gradually realized that the cultural diversity here is way too abundant than most places in the cosmere. There are mainly seven cultures and three religions spread over six continents of the world. Interestingly, though no Shard residing, there are some signs that a being similar to a Shard, even Adonalsium, used to influence the world.
I found several evidences that this planet could somehow be related to the cosmere. For one, Gaia is also 1.0 cosmere standard of its size and gravitation. This is rarely seen except for Scadrial, which was created by Shards. For another, there are several cultures being so similar to some in the cosmere, as if being transplanted from one universe to the other. For instance, a civilization, ChunGuo (which is called China in English) sitting on the eastern part of Asia continent, is a incredible variant of Rose Empire on Sel. There must be some relations between the both, yet this topic is far beyond my profession.
As there are around 200 political states on Gaia now, only two of them strongly affect the planet-wide situation. Aside from ChunGuo, United States of America aka US, is another powerful nation here, culturally dominating the planet as what Vorinism does on Roshar.
These two states collide in economy and politics, but not in directly military actions. This could be resulted from the powerful weapons they stored. Bombs of the potential destructive forces from atomic energy are considerably produced, but never being used in the battlefield after World War II, which was the most devastating events in the Gaia history. These nuclear weapons are nothing but symbols of the strengths of countries, as what Rosharans think of the shardblades.
One thing confusing me is, that I heard a writer from US is eagerly searching for me, even though I didn't acquaint anyone from Gaia before my visiting. I should keep alert to this man, but something instinctively tells me, he might be a key character to resolve my some questions.
Again, the highly varied cultures and biodiversity of Gaia cannot be fully commented in this article. Lack of Investiture as it is, the planet is still fascinating with all her characteristics. The studies of Realmic construction here are tough tasks to be dealt with, for the connections between three Realms are much weaker than the cosmere. I narrowly escaped from the gap between Physical and Cognitive Realm, and I have no opportunity to observe the Spiritual part of Gaia yet.
Despite these obstacles, I will keep dwelling into the secrets of Gaia, hoping to discover more differences between their universe and ours. Innocent like newborns in the cradle, we can take another millennia to study the LaniaKea - a new vocabulary I use to include the universe of Gaia and the cosmere - and keep the curiosity to it and its infinite arcanums for all time.
- 克里莎拉,公元2016年十一月廿二日,作於 台灣台北
- Khrissalla, written in Taipei, Taiwan; Nov. 22th, 2016 A.D.
後記 Postscript
七種文化大概是 東亞文化圈、西洋文化圈、伊斯蘭文化圈、拉美文化圈、東南亞-南亞文化圈、中南非文化圈,還有全球網路文化圈(對,這自成一格)。當然就地理課本的定義,這種分法是會被當掉的哈哈;不過就一個外人來看,我們的世界真的大概就是長這樣吧。
最後的補充是拉尼亞凱亞 LaniaKea,這是夏威夷文「無垠的天堂」的意思。在天文學上,拉尼亞凱亞是我們所處的超星系團的名字。我把維基的介紹放在這裡。嗯,這個名字夠適當吧?至少我一直覺得這名字很美啦哈哈~
希望你們會喜歡這篇亂來的文章~ 最後最後,祝你2016年末快樂,接下來一年能更加順遂呦!新年快樂:D