



賽耳篇 Sel



The suffering of the Hoed is intended to be reminiscent of chronic pain issues.


司卡德利亞篇 Scadrial(以下有SoS跟BoM劇情微雷)


Miles (probably) both burned his goldmind piercings directly and swallowed them.



Two reasons that Wayne doesn't like or get along with Steris.



So, I don't know how much I've talked about this, but there are two things going on with Wayne in regard to Steris.


The first is that Wayne is a highly instinctive person. He DOES think, and more than people give him credit for, but he judges a lot of what he does by what his gut says. I've known people like this and they can be extremely charming, but have more trouble articulating why they might make a certain decision--or why they don't like a particular person.


Wayne doesn't like Steris. She feels off to him, and his instincts say she's hiding something. Trouble is, his gut is misleading him in this case. Steris doesn't think and react like Wayne does, but it's not because she's hiding something--it's because she doesn't pick up on the same social cues that someone highly sociable like Wayne sees.


There's a second issue here, and that's Wayne's over-protectiveness. Wayne tends to lump people in his head into "my mates" and "those other folks." Once you're "in" with him, he'll do basically anything for you. You'll never find a more loyal friend. At the same time, it's hard to get "in" with him--and if he perceives someone as "stealing" someone from him, he gets very defensive, even mean.


He doesn't realize it, but his subconscious sees Steris as taking Wax away from him and--even more importantly--away from Lessie. He'd be belligerent toward anyone Wax started dating, but the fact that he gets lots of false positives off of Steris doesn't help one bit. If Wax/Marasi had worked out, he'd probably have been okay with it, for example.




Brandon planned for Wax to end up with Sterris in his outline, but him ending up with Marasi wasn't off the table until he got into the writing.



Q:Was there ever a chance this was going to be the case?

答:是的,有微小的可能。這不是我原先所計畫的,但即便是像我這種的計畫型作家也得因應故事的發展而改變計畫。所以直到下一本書(這裡指The Lost Metal)出版前,還是又可能事情會有所改變。


A:Yes, there was a slight chance. It wasn't what I had planned, but even an outline writer like myself must be willing to change plans as a story adapts. So until a book is published, there's a chance things will change.

However, in this case, the more I wrote, the more confident I was that this path was the right one.



Contraceptives were available in the Final Empire. Nobelmen didn't trust them however, when it came to preventing the Skaa women they raped from having children.


羅沙篇 Roshar


A "lait" is "a place where the storms are blocked." Generally, it means some kind of depression or location in the shadow of a larger rock formation.



Lait and crem are transliterated from Rosharan languages, rather than translated.



Most of Bridge Four (who aren't married or asexual) are looking for a romantic relationship-- they just haven't had time to get into one.



Spheres (the currency) are more like an actual sphere with a section cut off/flattened, rather than fishtank beads.(like this:




The next few books should answer questions about Elsecalling.



Brandon considers Jasnah's return as it distracts from Szeth's resurrection to be his biggest mistake in Stormlight so far. Plus more details about how this story arc came together.


泛寰宇篇 General Cosmere


Rebirth is a major theme in the Cosmere books.



Genuine resurrection can only happen under certain circumstances and has a cost associated with it. That will become apparent in the stories.



Preservation was the first shard to be held by someone outside the original 16.


其他有的沒的 Meta


Brandon explains why a Mistborn video game isn't very likely right now.



We tried for years to get one made--but it just didn't work. Even partnered with people who had experience in the field, the obstacles were insurmountable.


A good, open-world style game that Mistborn really demands would be expensive enough that nobody was willing to fund it without promise of a film to boost sales. Kingdoms of Amalur flopping (at least financially) was a big hit to us doing this.


However, when we scaled back to try something more retro (maybe something more along the lines of Symphony of the Night) we just didn't have enough interest from companies who do things like this.


Basically, one of two things has to happen. We need a film to get made, or we need a major game studio to decide they are willing to invest heavily in a Mistborn game IP. Otherwise, our chances are slim.


布蘭登打算在現在之後的一年開始寫雙W系列的第四本書(就在Apocalypse Guard系列之後)。接下來會是<陣學師2>跟最後一篇<軍團>故事,隨後會著手進行颶光系列第四冊。而在他寫颶光系列第五冊之前,他會休息一下,寫點「又怪又超出計畫」的東西 (你夠了沒啦QQ)

Brandon (currently) plans to start writing the fourth Wax & Wayne book a year from now (after the Apocalypse Guard trilogy). This will be followed by Rithmatist 2 and the last Legion story before he moves into Stormlight 4. Then he'll take a break to write something "bizarre and unplanned" before writing Stormlight 5.



Brandon has considered the possibility of releasing the Mistborn: Birthright (cancelled video game) story as a graphic novel, if White Sand continues to be successful.



Brandon talks about what he would want completed by someone esle if he were to pass away.


會,也不會。Yes. And No.


On one hand, I'm 41, with a good 30 years of books to write. And anyone will be nervous confronting their mortality.


On the other hand, I had the experience working on the WOT to accustom me to these sorts of ideas. I have a good team in place, and am an outliner. I could, and will, have things in place so near finished series can be finished by someone else for the fans.


I am looking at getting a really good outline for books 6-10 of Stormlight ready. That would kind of be my cutoff, I think. If I got sick with a terminal disease tomorrow, my instructions would be for my team to release the notes. 7 out of 10 books are just too many to release posthumously. But 5 would probably work, on the extreme edge.


Better that none have to, but I would rather know something is in place.


布蘭登傾向避免描述性行為的場景(跟劇情無關的)其中一個原因是,如此一來粉絲們能夠自由發揮這段空缺 (有點邪惡www)

One reason Brandon prefers to avoid addressing sexual activity (that isn't relevant to the story) is so that fans can fill in the blanks however they like.



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泰爾丹小說翻譯請見:「翻譯:白沙 White Sand

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